Welcome to New Life Korean School, a dedicated institution committed to sharing the rich tapestry of Korean heritage with individuals of all ages in our community. Supported generously by New Life Korean United Methodist Church and the First United Methodist Church of Greenwich, both affiliated with the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, our non-profit organization embodies a shared passion for educating the children of God.
At New Life Korean School, our primary goal is to familiarize children and their families with the Korean language and culture. It is a collaborative effort where both congregations pool their resources and enthusiasm to provide an enriching educational experience.
Our mission extends beyond religious boundaries, emphasizing the imparting of love and understanding of God's diverse creation. While we acknowledge the purposeful creation of different people, languages, and cultures, it's important to note that we do not directly incorporate religious lessons into our Korean language program. Our focus remains on fostering cultural awareness and appreciation.